125 lines
5.0 KiB
125 lines
5.0 KiB
import logger from "../logger.mjs"
import Note from "./Note.mjs"
import createNote from "../firefish-calls/createNote.mjs"
import { getDatePublished, wordIsAlreadyInBuffer, getAcceptablePrompts, valueExistsInColumn } from "../database-calls/db.mjs"
export default async function handleMentions(body) {
const note = new Note(body.note)
if (!note.isSingleWord) {
createNote("If you're trying to suggest a prompt, please message me a with *single word*.",note.id)
return { code: "NOTONEWORD" }
if (!note.isRealWord) {
createNote(`I'm afraid I can't do that, ${note.author}. That's not a 'real' word, at least as far as I'm aware! Have you checked the spelling?
You might just be too cool for me.`,note.id)
return { code: "NOTREAL" }
const word = note.cleanText
if (await wordIsAlreadyInBuffer(word)) {
createNote(`Believe it or not, somebody has already suggested that! Watch this space!`,note.id)
return { code: "INBUFFER" }
let unacceptable = await getAcceptablePrompts(word)
unacceptable = unacceptable.length===0
if (unacceptable) {
if (await valueExistsInColumn('medical_dictionary', 'word', word)) {
createNote("I'm afraid I can't use any word that appears in my medical dictionary. I know this delivers some false positives, but it was the only way to avoid accidentally triggering people!",note.id)
return { code: "MEDICAL" }
if (await valueExistsInColumn('bad_words', 'word', word)) {
createNote("That word is on my blocklist.",note.id)
return { code: "BLOCKLIST" }
if(await valueExistsInColumn('published','word',word)){
let datePublished = await getDatePublished(word)
datePublished = datePublished[0].date
createNote(`I already used that prompt on ${datePublished}, actually!`,note.id)
return {code: "PUBLISHED"}
createNote(`I'm afraid I can't do that, ${note.author}. The word you've suggested is either too common or too uncommon. Standards must be maintained!`,note.id)
return { code: "RARITY" }
} else {
return { code: "OK" }
const sampleBody = {
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"text": "@micro365 bananas",
"cw": "Today's #micro365 prompt is:",
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"text": "<small><small><small># </small></small></small>$[x2 $[font.serif **nudism**]]\n/njˈuːdɪzəm/\n<small>**noun**:\n- The belief in or practice of going nude in social, nonsexualized and frequently mixed-gender groups specifically in cultures where going nude in the social situation is not the norm.\n</small>#writing #microfiction #vss #nudism",
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