
1146 lines
32 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env perl
my $VERSION = "1.4.5";
use v5.014; # Require Perl 5.14 for 'state' variables and /u in regexes
use warnings FATAL => 'all';
use strict;
use File::Spec; # For catdir
use File::Basename; # For dirname
use Cwd qw(abs_path); # For realpath()
use lib dirname(abs_path(File::Spec->catdir($0))) . "/lib"; # Add the local lib/ to @INC
use DiffHighlight;
my $remove_file_add_header = 1;
my $remove_file_delete_header = 1;
my $clean_permission_changes = 1;
my $patch_mode = 0;
my $manually_color_lines = 0; # Usually git/hg colorizes the lines, but for raw patches we use this
my $change_hunk_indicators = git_config_boolean("diff-so-fancy.changeHunkIndicators","true");
my $strip_leading_indicators = git_config_boolean("diff-so-fancy.stripLeadingSymbols","true");
my $mark_empty_lines = git_config_boolean("diff-so-fancy.markEmptyLines","true");
my $use_unicode_dash_for_ruler = git_config_boolean("diff-so-fancy.useUnicodeRuler","true");
my $ruler_width = git_config("diff-so-fancy.rulerWidth", undef);
my $git_strip_prefix = git_config_boolean("diff.noprefix","false");
my $has_stdin = has_stdin();
my $CONTEXT_LINES = undef; # Number of lines of context diff used
my $ansi_regex = qr/\e\[([0-9]{0,3}(;[0-9]{1,3}){0,10})[mK]/;
my $ansi_color_regex = qr/(${ansi_regex})?/;
my $reset_color = color("reset");
my $bold = color("bold");
my $meta_color = "";
# Set the diff highlight colors from the config
my ($file_1,$file_2);
my $args = argv(); # Hashref of all the ARGV stuff
my $last_file_seen = "";
my $last_file_mode = "";
my $i = 0;
my $in_hunk = 0;
my $columns_to_remove = 0;
my $is_mercurial = 0;
my $color_forced = 0; # Has the color been forced on/off
# We try and be smart about whether we need to do line coloring, but
# this is an option to force it on/off
if ($args->{color_on}) {
$manually_color_lines = 1;
$color_forced = 1;
} elsif ($args->{color_off}) {
$manually_color_lines = 0;
$color_forced = 1;
if ($args->{debug}) {
# `git add --patch` requires our output to match the number of lines from the
# input. So, when patch mode is active, we print out empty lines to pad our
# output to match any lines we've consumed.
if ($args->{patch}) {
$patch_mode = 1;
# We only process ARGV if we don't have STDIN
if (!$has_stdin) {
if ($args->{v} || $args->{version}) {
} elsif ($args->{'set-defaults'}) {
my $ok = set_defaults();
} elsif ($args->{colors}) {
# We print this to STDOUT so we can redirect to bash to auto-set the colors
print get_default_colors();
} elsif (!%$args || $args->{help} || $args->{h}) {
my $first = check_first_run();
if (!$first) {
} else {
die("Missing input on STDIN\n");
# Check to see if were using default settings
# The logic here is that we run all the lines through DiffHighlight first. This
# highlights all the intra-word changes. Then we take those lines and send them
# to do_dsf_stuff() to convert the diff to human readable d-s-f output and add
# appropriate fanciness
my @lines;
local $DiffHighlight::line_cb = sub {
my $last_line = $lines[-1];
# Buffer X lines before we try and output anything
# Also make sure we're sending enough data to d-s-f to do it's magic.
# Certain things require a look-ahead line or two to function so
# we make sure we don't break on those sections prematurely
if (@lines > 24 && ($last_line !~ /^${ansi_color_regex}(---|index|old mode|similarity index|rename (from|to))/)) {
@lines = ();
my $line_count = 0;
while (my $line = <STDIN>) {
# If the very first line of the diff doesn't start with ANSI color we're assuming
# it's a raw patch file, and we have to color the added/removed lines ourself
if (!$color_forced && $line_count == 0 && !starts_with_ansi($line)) {
$manually_color_lines = 1;
my $ok = DiffHighlight::handle_line($line);
# If we're mid hunk above process anything still pending
sub do_dsf_stuff {
my $input = shift();
# Calculate the context lines the first time
if (!defined $CONTEXT_LINES) {
$CONTEXT_LINES = calculate_context_lines(@lines);
#print STDERR "START -------------------------------------------------\n";
#print STDERR join("",@$input);
#print STDERR "END ---------------------------------------------------\n";
while (my $line = shift(@$input)) {
# Pre-process the line before we do any other markup #
# If the first line of the input is a blank line, skip that
if ($i == 0 && $line =~ /^\s*$/) {
# End pre-processing #
# Look for git index and replace it horizontal line (header later) #
if ($line =~ /^${ansi_color_regex}index /) {
# Print the line color and then the actual line
$meta_color = $1 || get_config_color("meta");
# Get the next line without incrementing counter while loop
my $next = $input->[0] || "";
my ($file_1,$file_2);
# The line immediately after the "index" line should be the --- file line
# If it's not it's an empty file add/delete
if ($next !~ /^$ansi_color_regex(---|Binary files)/) {
# We fake out the file names since it's a raw add/delete
if ($last_file_mode eq "add") {
$file_1 = "/dev/null";
$file_2 = $last_file_seen;
} elsif ($last_file_mode eq "delete") {
$file_1 = $last_file_seen;
$file_2 = "/dev/null";
if ($file_1 && $file_2) {
print horizontal_rule($meta_color);
print $meta_color . file_change_string($file_1,$file_2) . "\n";
print horizontal_rule($meta_color);
# Look for the filename #
# $4 $5
} elsif ($line =~ /^${ansi_color_regex}diff (-r|--recursive|--git|--cc) (.*?)(\e| b\/|$)/) {
# Mercurial looks like: diff -r 82e55d328c8c hello.c
if ($4 eq "-r" || $4 eq "--recursive") {
$is_mercurial = 1;
$meta_color = get_config_color("meta");
# Git looks like: diff --git a/diff-so-fancy b/diff-so-fancy
} else {
$last_file_seen = $5;
$last_file_seen =~ s|^\w/||; # Remove a/ (and handle diff.mnemonicPrefix).
$in_hunk = 0;
if ($patch_mode) {
# we are consuming one line, and the debt must be paid
print "\n";
# Find the first file: --- a/ #
} elsif (!$in_hunk && $line =~ /^$ansi_color_regex--- (\w\/)?(.+?)(\e|\t|$)/) {
$meta_color = get_config_color("meta");
if ($git_strip_prefix) {
my $file_dir = $4 || "";
$file_1 = $file_dir . $5;
} else {
$file_1 = $5;
# Find the second file on the next line: +++ b/
my $next = shift(@$input);
$next =~ /^$ansi_color_regex\+\+\+ (\w\/)?(.+?)(\e|\t|$)/;
if ($1) {
print $1; # Print out whatever color we're using
if ($git_strip_prefix) {
my $file_dir = $4 || "";
$file_2 = $file_dir . $5;
} else {
$file_2 = $5;
if ($file_2 ne "/dev/null") {
$last_file_seen = $file_2;
# Print out the top horizontal line of the header
print $reset_color;
print horizontal_rule($meta_color);
# Mercurial coloring is slightly different so we need to hard reset colors
if ($is_mercurial) {
print $reset_color;
print $meta_color;
print file_change_string($file_1,$file_2) . "\n";
# Print out the bottom horizontal line of the header
print horizontal_rule($meta_color);
# Check for "@@ -3,41 +3,63 @@" syntax #
} elsif (!$change_hunk_indicators && $line =~ /^${ansi_color_regex}(@@@* .+? @@@*)(.*)/) {
$in_hunk = 1;
print $line;
} elsif ($change_hunk_indicators && $line =~ /^${ansi_color_regex}(@@@* .+? @@@*)(.*)/) {
$in_hunk = 1;
my $hunk_header = $4;
my $remain = bleach_text($5);
# The number of colums to remove (1 or 2) is based on how many commas in the hunk header
$columns_to_remove = (char_count(",",$hunk_header)) - 1;
# On single line removes there is NO comma in the hunk so we force one
if ($columns_to_remove <= 0) {
$columns_to_remove = 1;
if ($1) {
print $1; # Print out whatever color we're using
my ($orig_offset, $orig_count, $new_offset, $new_count) = parse_hunk_header($hunk_header);
#$last_file_seen = basename($last_file_seen);
# Figure out the start line
my $start_line = start_line_calc($new_offset,$new_count);
# Last function has it's own color
my $last_function_color = "";
if ($remain) {
$last_function_color = get_config_color("last_function");
# Check to see if we have the color for the fragment from git
if ($5 =~ /\e\[\d/) {
#print "Has ANSI color for fragment\n";
} else {
# We don't have the ANSI sequence so we shell out to get it
#print "No ANSI color for fragment\n";
my $frag_color = get_config_color("fragment");
print $frag_color;
print "@ $last_file_seen:$start_line \@${reset_color}${last_function_color}${remain}${reset_color}\n";
# Remove any new file permissions #
} elsif ($remove_file_add_header && $line =~ /^${ansi_color_regex}new file mode [0-7]{6}/) {
# Don't print the line (i.e. remove it from the output);
$last_file_mode = "add";
if ($patch_mode) {
print "\n";
# Remove any delete file permissions #
} elsif ($remove_file_delete_header && $line =~ /^${ansi_color_regex}deleted file mode [0-7]{6}/) {
# Don't print the line (i.e. remove it from the output);
$last_file_mode = "delete";
if ($patch_mode) {
print "\n";
# Look for binary file changes #
} elsif ($line =~ /^Binary files (\w\/)?(.+?) and (\w\/)?(.+?) differ/) {
my $change = file_change_string($2,$4);
print horizontal_rule($meta_color);
print "$meta_color$change (binary)\n";
print horizontal_rule($meta_color);
# Check if we're changing the permissions of a file #
} elsif ($clean_permission_changes && $line =~ /^${ansi_color_regex}old mode (\d+)/) {
my ($old_mode) = $4;
my $next = shift(@$input);
if ($1) {
print $1; # Print out whatever color we're using
my ($new_mode) = $next =~ m/new mode (\d+)/;
if ($patch_mode) {
print "\n";
print "$last_file_seen changed file mode from $old_mode to $new_mode\n";
# File rename #
} elsif ($line =~ /^${ansi_color_regex}similarity index (\d+)%/) {
my $simil = $4;
# If it's a move with content change we ignore this and the next two lines
if ($simil != 100) {
my $next = shift(@$input);
my ($file1) = $next =~ /rename from (.+?)(\e|\t|$)/;
$next = shift(@$input);
my ($file2) = $next =~ /rename to (.+?)(\e|\t|$)/;
if ($file1 && $file2) {
# We may not have extracted this yet, so we pull from the config if not
$meta_color = get_config_color("meta");
my $change = file_change_string($file1,$file2);
print horizontal_rule($meta_color);
print $meta_color . $change . "\n";
print horizontal_rule($meta_color);
$i += 3; # We've consumed three lines
# Just a regular line, print it out #
} else {
# Mark empty line with a red/green box indicating addition/removal
if ($mark_empty_lines) {
$line = mark_empty_line($line);
# Remove the correct number of leading " " or "+" or "-"
if ($strip_leading_indicators) {
$line = strip_leading_indicators($line,$columns_to_remove);
print $line;
# End regular code, begin functions
# Courtesy of
sub parse_hunk_header {
my ($line) = @_;
my ($o_ofs, $o_cnt, $n_ofs, $n_cnt) = $line =~ /^\@\@+(?: -(\d+)(?:,(\d+))?)+ \+(\d+)(?:,(\d+))? \@\@+/;
$o_cnt = 1 unless defined $o_cnt;
$n_cnt = 1 unless defined $n_cnt;
return ($o_ofs, $o_cnt, $n_ofs, $n_cnt);
# Mark the first char of an empty line
sub mark_empty_line {
my $line = shift();
my $reset_color = "\e\\[0?m";
my $reset_escape = "\e\[m";
my $invert_color = "\e\[7m";
my $add_color = $DiffHighlight::NEW_HIGHLIGHT[1];
my $del_color = $DiffHighlight::OLD_HIGHLIGHT[1];
# This captures lines that do not have any ANSI in them (raw vanilla diff)
if ($line eq "+\n") {
$line = $invert_color . $add_color . " " . color('reset') . "\n";
# This captures lines that do not have any ANSI in them (raw vanilla diff)
} elsif ($line eq "-\n") {
$line = $invert_color . $del_color . " " . color('reset') . "\n";
# This handles everything else
} else {
$line =~ s/^($ansi_color_regex)[+-]$reset_color\s*$/$invert_color$1 $reset_escape\n/;
return $line;
# String to boolean
sub boolean {
my $str = shift();
$str = trim($str);
if ($str eq "" || $str =~ /^(no|false|0)$/i) {
return 0;
} else {
return 1;
# Get the git config
sub git_config_raw {
my $cmd = "git config --list 2>&1";
my @out = `$cmd`;
return \@out;
# Memoize fetching a textual item from the git config
sub git_config {
my $search_key = lc($_[0] || "");
my $default_value = lc($_[1] || "");
state $raw = {};
if (%$raw && $search_key) {
return $raw->{$search_key} || $default_value;
if ($args->{debug}) {
print "Parsing git config\n";
my $out = git_config_raw();
foreach my $line (@$out) {
if ($line =~ /=/) {
my ($key,$value) = split("=",$line,2);
$value =~ s/\s+$//;
$raw->{$key} = $value;
# If we're given a search key return that, else return the hash
if ($search_key) {
return $raw->{$search_key} || $default_value;
} else {
return $raw;
# Fetch a boolean item from the git config
sub git_config_boolean {
my $search_key = lc($_[0] || "");
my $default_value = lc($_[1] || 0); # Default to false
my $result = git_config($search_key,$default_value);
my $ret = boolean($result);
return $ret;
sub get_less_charset {
my @less_char_vars = ("LESSCHARSET", "LESSCHARDEF", "LC_ALL", "LC_CTYPE", "LANG");
foreach my $key (@less_char_vars) {
my $val = $ENV{$key};
if (defined $val) {
return ($key, $val);
return ();
sub should_print_unicode {
if (-t STDOUT) {
# Always print unicode chars if we're not piping stuff, e.g. to less(1)
return 1;
# Otherwise, assume we're piping to less(1)
my ($less_env_var, $less_charset) = get_less_charset();
if ($less_charset && $less_charset =~ /utf-?8/i) {
return 1;
return 0;
# Try and be smart about what line the diff hunk starts on
sub start_line_calc {
my ($line_num,$diff_context) = @_;
my $ret;
if ($line_num == 0 && $diff_context == 0) {
return 1;
# Three lines on either side, and the line itself = 7
my $expected_context = ($CONTEXT_LINES * 2 + 1);
# The first three lines
if ($line_num == 1 && $diff_context < $expected_context) {
$ret = $diff_context - $CONTEXT_LINES;
} else {
$ret = $line_num + $CONTEXT_LINES;
if ($ret < 1) {
$ret = 1;
return $ret;
# Remove + or - at the beginning of the lines
sub strip_leading_indicators {
my $line = shift(); # Array passed in by reference
my $columns_to_remove = shift(); # Don't remove any lines by default
if ($columns_to_remove == 0) {
return $line; # Nothing to do
$line =~ s/^(${ansi_color_regex})([ +-]){${columns_to_remove}}/$1/;
if ($manually_color_lines) {
if (defined($5) && $5 eq "+") {
my $add_line_color = get_config_color("add_line");
$line = $add_line_color . insert_reset_at_line_end($line);
} elsif (defined($5) && $5 eq "-") {
my $remove_line_color = get_config_color("remove_line");
$line = $remove_line_color . insert_reset_at_line_end($line);
return $line;
# Insert the color reset code at end of line, but before any newlines
sub insert_reset_at_line_end {
my $line = shift();
$line =~ s/^(.*)([\n\r]+)?$/${1}${reset_color}${2}/;
return $line;
# Count the number of a given char in a string
sub char_count {
my ($needle, $haystack) = @_;
my $count = () = ($haystack =~ /$needle/g);
return $count;
# Remove all ANSI codes from a string
sub bleach_text {
my $str = shift();
$str =~ s/\e\[\d*(;\d+)*m//mg;
return $str;
# Remove all trailing and leading spaces
sub trim {
my $s = shift();
if (!$s) { return ""; }
$s =~ s/^\s*//u;
$s =~ s/\s*$//u;
return $s;
# Print a line of em-dash or line-drawing chars the full width of the screen
sub horizontal_rule {
my $color = $_[0] || "";
my $width = get_terminal_width();
# em-dash
#my $dash = "\x{2014}";
my $dash;
if ($use_unicode_dash_for_ruler && should_print_unicode()) {
#$dash = Encode::encode('UTF-8', "\x{2500}");
$dash = "\xE2\x94\x80";
} else {
$dash = "-";
# Draw the line
my $ret = $color . ($dash x $width) . "$reset_color\n";
return $ret;
sub file_change_string {
my $file_1 = shift();
my $file_2 = shift();
# If they're the same it's a modify
if ($file_1 eq $file_2) {
return "modified: $file_1";
# If the first is /dev/null it's a new file
} elsif ($file_1 eq "/dev/null") {
my $add_color = $DiffHighlight::NEW_HIGHLIGHT[1];
return "added: $add_color$file_2$reset_color";
# If the second is /dev/null it's a deletion
} elsif ($file_2 eq "/dev/null") {
my $del_color = $DiffHighlight::OLD_HIGHLIGHT[1];
return "deleted: $del_color$file_1$reset_color";
# If the files aren't the same it's a rename
} elsif ($file_1 ne $file_2) {
my ($old, $new) = DiffHighlight::highlight_pair($file_1,$file_2,{only_diff => 1});
# highlight_pair already includes reset_color, but adds newline characters that need to be trimmed off
$old = trim($old);
$new = trim($new);
return "renamed: $old$meta_color to $new"
# Something we haven't thought of yet
} else {
return "$file_1 -> $file_2";
# Check to see if STDIN is connected to an interactive terminal
sub has_stdin {
my $i = -t STDIN;
my $ret = int(!$i);
return $ret;
# We use this instead of Getopt::Long because it's faster and we're not parsing any
# crazy arguments
# Borrowed from:
sub argv {
my $ret = {};
for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@ARGV); $i++) {
# If the item starts with "-" it's a key
if ((my ($key) = $ARGV[$i] =~ /^--?([a-zA-Z_-]*\w)$/) && ($ARGV[$i] !~ /^-\w\w/)) {
# If the next item does not start with "--" it's the value for this item
if (defined($ARGV[$i + 1]) && ($ARGV[$i + 1] !~ /^--?\D/)) {
$ret->{$key} = $ARGV[$i + 1];
# Bareword like --verbose with no options
} else {
# We're looking for a certain item
if ($_[0]) { return $ret->{$_[0]}; }
return $ret;
# Output the command line usage for d-s-f
sub usage {
my $out = color("white_bold") . version() . color("reset") . "\n";
$out .= "Usage:
git diff --color | diff-so-fancy # Use d-s-f on one diff
cat diff.txt | diff-so-fancy # Use d-s-f on a diff/patch file
diff -u one.txt two.txt | diff-so-fancy # Use d-s-f on unified diff output
diff-so-fancy --colors # View the commands to set the recommended colors
diff-so-fancy --set-defaults # Configure git-diff to use diff-so-fancy and suggested colors
diff-so-fancy --patch # Use diff-so-fancy in patch mode (interoperable with `git add --patch`)
# Configure git to use d-s-f for *all* diff operations
git config --global core.pager \"diff-so-fancy | less --tabs=4 -RFX\"
# Configure git to use d-s-f for `git add --patch`
git config --global interactive.diffFilter \"diff-so-fancy --patch\"\n";
return $out;
sub get_default_colors {
my $out = "# Recommended default colors for diff-so-fancy\n";
$out .= "# --------------------------------------------\n";
$out .= 'git config --global color.ui true
git config --global color.diff-highlight.oldNormal "red bold"
git config --global color.diff-highlight.oldHighlight "red bold 52"
git config --global color.diff-highlight.newNormal "green bold"
git config --global color.diff-highlight.newHighlight "green bold 22"
git config --global color.diff.meta "yellow"
git config --global color.diff.frag "magenta bold"
git config --global color.diff.commit "yellow bold"
git config --global color.diff.old "red bold"
git config --global "green bold"
git config --global color.diff.whitespace "red reverse"
return $out;
# Output the current version string
sub version {
my $ret = "Diff-so-fancy:\n";
$ret .= "Version : $VERSION\n";
return $ret;
sub is_windows {
if ($^O eq 'MSWin32' or $^O eq 'dos' or $^O eq 'os2' or $^O eq 'cygwin' or $^O eq 'msys') {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
# Return value is whether this is the first time they've run d-s-f
sub check_first_run {
my $ret = 0;
# If first-run is not set, or it's set to "true"
my $first_run = git_config_boolean('diff-so-fancy.first-run');
# See if they're previously set SOME diff-highlight colors
my $has_dh_colors = git_config_boolean('color.diff-highlight.oldnormal') || git_config_boolean('color.diff-highlight.newnormal');
#$first_run = 1; $has_dh_colors = 0;
if (!$first_run || $has_dh_colors) {
return 0;
} else {
print "This appears to be the first time you've run diff-so-fancy, please note\n";
print "that the default git colors are not ideal. Diff-so-fancy recommends the\n";
print "following colors.\n\n";
print get_default_colors();
# Set the first run flag to false
my $cmd = 'git config --global diff-so-fancy.first-run false';
return 1;
sub set_defaults {
my $color_config = get_default_colors();
my $git_config = 'git config --global core.pager "diff-so-fancy | less --tabs=4 -RFX"';
my $first_cmd = 'git config --global diff-so-fancy.first-run false';
my @cmds = split(/\n/,$color_config);
# Remove all comments from the commands
foreach my $x (@cmds) {
$x =~ s/#.*//g;
# Remove any empty commands
@cmds = grep($_,@cmds);
foreach my $cmd (@cmds) {
my $exit = ($? >> 8);
if ($exit != 0) {
die("Error running: '$cmd' (error #18941)\n");
return 1;
# Borrowed from:
# String format: '115', '165_bold', '10_on_140', 'reset', 'on_173', 'red', 'white_on_blue'
sub color {
my ($str, $txt) = @_;
# If we're NOT connected to a an interactive terminal don't do color
#if (-t STDOUT == 0) { return ''; }
# No string sent in, so we just reset
if (!length($str) || $str eq 'reset') { return "\e[0m"; }
# Some predefined colors
my %color_map = qw(red 160 blue 27 green 34 yellow 226 orange 214 purple 93 white 15 black 0);
$str =~ s|([A-Za-z]+)|$color_map{$1} // $1|eg;
# Get foreground/background and any commands
my ($fc,$cmd) = $str =~ /^(\d{1,3})?_?(\w+)?$/g;
my ($bc) = $str =~ /on_(\d{1,3})$/g;
# Some predefined commands
my %cmd_map = qw(bold 1 italic 3 underline 4 blink 5 inverse 7);
my $cmd_num = $cmd_map{$cmd // 0};
my $ret = '';
if ($cmd_num) { $ret .= "\e[${cmd_num}m"; }
if (defined($fc)) { $ret .= "\e[38;5;${fc}m"; }
if (defined($bc)) { $ret .= "\e[48;5;${bc}m"; }
if ($txt) { $ret .= $txt . "\e[0m"; }
return $ret;
# Get colors used for various output sections (memoized)
sub get_config_color {
my $str = shift();
state $static_config;
my $ret = "";
if ($static_config->{$str}) {
return $static_config->{$str};
#print color(15) . "Shelling out for color: '$str'\n" . color('reset');
if ($str eq "meta") {
# Default ANSI yellow
$ret = git_ansi_color(git_config('color.diff.meta')) || color(11);
} elsif ($str eq "reset") {
$ret = color("reset");
} elsif ($str eq "add_line") {
# Default ANSI green
$ret = git_ansi_color(git_config('')) || color("2_bold");
} elsif ($str eq "remove_line") {
# Default ANSI red
$ret = git_ansi_color(git_config('color.diff.old')) || color("1_bold");
} elsif ($str eq "fragment") {
$ret = git_ansi_color(git_config('color.diff.frag')) || color("13_bold");
} elsif ($str eq "last_function") {
$ret = git_ansi_color(git_config('color.diff.func')) || color("146_bold");
# Cache (memoize) the entry for later
$static_config->{$str} = $ret;
return $ret;
sub git_ansi_color {
my $str = shift();
my @parts = split(' ', $str);
if (!@parts) {
return '';
my $colors = {
'black' => 0,
'red' => 1,
'green' => 2,
'yellow' => 3,
'blue' => 4,
'magenta' => 5,
'cyan' => 6,
'white' => 7,
'default' => 9, # pseudo color (39/49 = set default)
'normal' => -1, # placeholder color to be ignored
# Bright colors are just offsets from the "regular" color
for my $k (keys %{ $colors }) {
$colors->{"bright" . $k} = $colors->{$k} + 60;
my @ansi_part = ();
if (grep { /^bold$/ } @parts) {
push(@ansi_part, "1");
if (grep { /^dim$/ } @parts) {
push(@ansi_part, "2");
if (grep { /^ul$/ } @parts) {
push(@ansi_part, "4");
if (grep { /^reverse$/ } @parts) {
push(@ansi_part, "7");
# Remove parts that aren't colors
@parts = grep { exists $colors->{$_} || is_numeric($_) || /^\#/ } @parts;
my $fg = $parts[0] // "";
my $bg = $parts[1] // "";
set_ansi_color($fg, 0 , \@ansi_part, $colors) if $fg;
set_ansi_color($bg, 10, \@ansi_part, $colors) if $bg;
my $ansi_str = join(";", @ansi_part);
my $ret = "\e[" . $ansi_str . "m";
return $ret;
sub set_ansi_color {
my ($color, $increment, $ansi_part, $colors) = @_;
my $base_code = 30 + $increment;
my $base8_code = 38 + $increment;
my $ext_code = 82 + $increment;
if (is_numeric($color)) {
if ($color < 8) {
push(@$ansi_part, $color + $base_code);
} elsif ($color < 16) {
push(@$ansi_part, $color + $ext_code);
} else {
push(@$ansi_part, "$base8_code;5;$color");
# It's a full rgb code
} elsif ($color =~ /^#/) {
my ($rgbr, $rgbg, $rgbb) = $color =~ /.(..)(..)(..)/;
push(@$ansi_part, "$base8_code;2;" . hex($rgbr) . ";" . hex($rgbg) . ";" . hex($rgbb));
# It's a simple 16 color OG ansi
} elsif ($color ne "normal") {
my $color_num = $colors->{$color} + $base_code;
push(@$ansi_part, $color_num);
# Is the string 100% numeric
sub is_numeric {
my $s = shift();
if ($s =~ /^\d+$/) {
return 1;
return 0;
# Does the string start with ANSI
sub starts_with_ansi {
my $str = shift();
# NOTE: This is not `ansi_color_regex`, which includes "no ANSI sequences".
if ($str =~ /^$ansi_regex/) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
sub get_terminal_width {
# Make width static so we only calculate it once
state $width;
if ($width) {
return $width;
# If there is a ruler width in the config we use that
if ($ruler_width) {
$width = $ruler_width;
# Otherwise we check the terminal width using tput
} else {
my $tput = `tput cols`;
if ($tput) {
$width = int($tput);
if (is_windows()) {
} else {
print color('orange') . "Warning: `tput cols` did not return numeric input" . color('reset') . "\n";
$width = 80;
return $width;
sub show_debug_info {
my @less = get_less_charset();
my $git_ver = trim(`git --version 2>&1`);
$git_ver =~ s/[^\d.]//g;
if ($git_ver !~ /git/) {
$git_ver = "Unknown";
} else {
$git_ver = "v" . $git_ver;
print "Diff-so-fancy : v$VERSION\n";
print "Git : $git_ver\n";
print "Perl : $^V\n";
print "\n";
print "Terminal width : " . get_terminal_width() . "\n";
print "Terminal \$LANG : " . ($ENV{LANG} || "") . "\n";
print "\n";
print "Supports Unicode: " . yes_no(should_print_unicode()) . "\n";
print "Unicode Ruler : " . yes_no($use_unicode_dash_for_ruler) . "\n";
print "\n";
print "Less Charset Var: " . ($less[0] // "") . "\n";
print "Less Charset : " . ($less[1] // "") . "\n";
print "\n";
print "Is Windows : " . yes_no(is_windows()) . "\n";
print "Operating System: $^O\n";
# Boolean to yes/no string
sub yes_no {
my $val = shift();
if ($val) {
return "Yes";
} else {
return "No";
# If there are colors set in the gitconfig use those, otherwise leave the defaults
sub init_diff_highlight_colors {
$DiffHighlight::NEW_HIGHLIGHT[0] = git_ansi_color(git_config('color.diff-highlight.newnormal')) || $DiffHighlight::NEW_HIGHLIGHT[0];
$DiffHighlight::NEW_HIGHLIGHT[1] = git_ansi_color(git_config('color.diff-highlight.newhighlight')) || $DiffHighlight::NEW_HIGHLIGHT[1];
$DiffHighlight::OLD_HIGHLIGHT[0] = git_ansi_color(git_config('color.diff-highlight.oldnormal')) || $DiffHighlight::OLD_HIGHLIGHT[0];
$DiffHighlight::OLD_HIGHLIGHT[1] = git_ansi_color(git_config('color.diff-highlight.oldhighlight')) || $DiffHighlight::OLD_HIGHLIGHT[1];
# Write a line to the debug log which is opened on the fly as-needed
sub debug_log {
my $log_line = shift();
my $file = "/tmp/diff-so-fancy.debug.log";
state $fh;
if (!$fh) {
printf("%sDebug log enabled:%s $file\n", color('orange'), color());
open ($fh, ">", $file) or die("Cannot write to $file");
print $fh trim($log_line) . "\n";
return 1;
# Count the number of context lines in the diff
sub calculate_context_lines {
my @lines = @_;
my $count = 0;
my $hunk_line = 0;
# Count the number of lines between the hunk line and the
# first + or - line
foreach my $line (@lines) {
# Look for the hunk line before we start
if ($line =~ /^${ansi_color_regex}(@@@* .+? @@@*)(.*)/) {
$hunk_line = $count;
} elsif ($hunk_line && $line =~ /^${ansi_color_regex}[+-]/) {
my $diff = $count - $hunk_line - 1;
#print "Hunk: $hunk_line, ChangedLine: $count ($diff context)\n";
return $diff;
# If for some reason we can't figure it out, assume 3
return 3;
# Borrowed from:
our $AUTOLOAD; # keep 'use strict' happy
if ($AUTOLOAD eq 'main::k' || $AUTOLOAD eq 'main::kd') {
if (eval { require Data::Dump::Color }) {
*k = sub { Data::Dump::Color::dd(@_) };
} else {
require Data::Dumper;
*k = sub { print Data::Dumper::Dumper(@_) };
sub kd {
printf("Died at %2\$s line #%3\$s\n",caller());
eval($AUTOLOAD . '(@_)');
# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 noexpandtab autoindent softtabstop=4