add default config
This commit is contained in:
@ -5,5 +5,30 @@ return {
opts = {},
opts = {
dir_path = vim.fn.stdpath("data") .. "/devdocs", -- installation directory
telescope = {}, -- passed to the telescope picker
filetypes = {
-- extends the filetype to docs mappings used by the `DevdocsOpenCurrent` command, the version doesn't have to be specified
-- scss = "sass",
-- javascript = { "node", "javascript" }
float_win = { -- passed to nvim_open_win(), see :h api-floatwin
relative = "editor",
height = 25,
width = 100,
border = "rounded",
wrap = false, -- text wrap, only applies to floating window
previewer_cmd = nil, -- for example: "glow"
cmd_args = {}, -- example using glow: { "-s", "dark", "-w", "80" }
cmd_ignore = {}, -- ignore cmd rendering for the listed docs
picker_cmd = false, -- use cmd previewer in picker preview
picker_cmd_args = {}, -- example using glow: { "-s", "dark", "-w", "50" }
mappings = { -- keymaps for the doc buffer
open_in_browser = "",
ensure_installed = {}, -- get automatically installed
after_open = function(bufnr) end, -- callback that runs after the Devdocs window is opened. Devdocs buffer ID will be passed in
Reference in New Issue