diff --git a/.hugo_build.lock b/.hugo_build.lock new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/content/posts b/content/posts deleted file mode 100644 index 8b13789..0000000 --- a/content/posts +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ - diff --git a/content/posts/hard-problem.md b/content/posts/hard-problem.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8045109 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/posts/hard-problem.md @@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ ++++ +date = '2024-11-13T14:24:21+01:00' +draft = true +title = 'Hard Problem: Invalidating the browser cache' ++++ + +**I had a bit of an issue with my [website](https://demos.ajstepien.xyz) recently.** + +I pushed some changes incorporating images for the first time (I know, very swish), and everything seemed to be working just fine, but when I loaded the production site in Firefox, the images were not styled. Stranger still, they *were* styled when I loaded the same page in Chrome. + +The experienced computer touchers amongst you will be saying "this is obviously a cache problem", and you're right, it is obviously a cache problem. Pressing `CTR + SHIFT + R` (which forces Firefox to clear the cache and do a full reload) proved this thesis, and solved the problem handily for me, on my machine. But what about other people's machines? + +## Invalidating cached HTML + +The best way to deal with this problem is to tell the browser not to cache our HTML in the first place. We can achieve this by adding the following meta tag to `index.html`, and any other HTML files we don't want cached. + +```html + +``` + +## Invalidating cached CSS + +A quick google search revealed that the best way to invalidate browser cache is by changing the url of the file you're telling it to load. So we would change this: + +```html + +``` + +to this: + +```html + +``` + +and the browser would recognize this as new file and load it from the server. Problem solved! Of course, you would have to change the file name too... + +```bash +mv css/defaults.css css/defaults-2.css +``` + +... and this would get tedious very quickly. Furthermore, it's going to make a mess of your version history if, as far as Git is concerned, you're deleting the CSS file and writing a new one with every deployment. Surely there's a better way? + +### Using a query + +Of course there is. Look at this: + +```html + +``` + +As we're requesting the file via http, we can append a query. Awesome. Not awesome enough though. I'm too lazy to do this every time I push a commit, and, being human, I'll probably forget at a critical moment. This can only mean one thing. It's time to bash (🤣) out a quick build script! + +```bash +#!/usr/bin/env bash +COMMIT="$(git rev-parse HEAD)" +sed -i "s/css?=\w*/css?v=${COMMIT}/g" index.html +``` + +Let's talk real quick about what's happening here: + +`COMMIT="$(git rev-parse HEAD)"` gets the commit id from Git and assigns it the variable `$COMMIT`. + +Then, `sed -i "s/css?=\w*/css?v=${COMMIT}/g" index.html` does a find and replace on `index.html`. The regular expression `css?=\w*` matches 'css?=' plus any number of contiguous alphanumeric characters (everything until the next quote mark, basically) before replacing these alphanumeric characters with the commit id. The flag `-i` tells sed to edit the file in place. The `g` tells it to perform the operation on the whole file. + +Now, whenever we push a new commit, any CSS imports in `index.html` will be changed to something like this: + +```html + +``` + +Pretty neat, huh? + +There's just one thing bugging me: surely I do actually want the CSS to be cached *sometimes*. Caching exists for a reason, and I don't want to sacrifice performance. Maybe I can modify the build script so that it only updates the CSS imports when the CSS files have changed... Sounds like a topic for another blogpost! diff --git a/content/posts/permissions-strike-again.md b/content/posts/permissions-strike-again.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cf04a05 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/posts/permissions-strike-again.md @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ ++++ +date = '2024-11-13T11:53:13+01:00' +draft = false +title = 'Permissions Strike Again' ++++ + +# It's always permissions + +Configuring Apache really isn't rocket science. There are a wealth of great tutorials online, the documentation is very well documented, and the defaults work more or less out of the box. But it's one of those jobs that I do just infrequently enough that I always forget things in the interim, and end up making the same old mistakes. + +**And it almost always has to do with permissions.** + +So, I'm writing this post both as a means of christening this devlog ([Hi! I'm Andrzej! Hire me!](https://demos.ajstepien.xyz)) and also as a reminder to myself that *the home folder is not executable by default.* + +Please, Andrzej. Please. The next time you're building a website, be it for a client or for yourself, and you find yourself scratching your head, wondering what error you may have made in the `.confs`, checking the permissions of your symlink again and again, ask yourself: is my symlink pointing to a directory in the home folder? Because Apache can't open the home folder until you change the permissions! + +## What? + +In Linux we open directories by 'executing' them. A directory is an executable that lists part of file-system for us, basically. Now, by default, the home directory is only executable by its owner. This makes sense when you think about it -- you don't want your sister, or co-worker, or (more likely) whatever barely-audited application you're installing today, to be able to open that directory. But you probably do want your webserver to be able to open it, especially if you are symlinking to it from `/var/www`. + +[Hugo](https://gohugo.io/) (the framework I'm using to build this blog) likes to deploy to the home directory by default. In fact there are lots of reasons why you'd want to deploy there. I do this exact same thing with [Jenkins](https://jenkins.io), and I wasted an hour troubleshooting this exact same problem when I set up that server too. + +So, Andrzej of the future (did anyone non-ghoulish win an election yet?), for future reference, let's say you're deploying to `/home/devlog/website`: + +1. Add Apache to the 'devlog' user group. +``` +sudo usermod -aG devlog www-data +``` +2. Change the permissions on /home/devlog to allow group members to open it. +``` +sudo chmod 710 /home/devlog +``` + +IT'S THAT EASY. + + + diff --git a/public/categories/index.html b/public/categories/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f754d5b --- /dev/null +++ b/public/categories/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ + + +
+ + +Laborum voluptate pariatur ex culpa magna nostrud est incididunt fugiat +pariatur do dolor ipsum enim. Consequat tempor do dolor eu. Non id id anim anim +excepteur excepteur pariatur nostrud qui irure ullamco.
+ + +I had a bit of an issue with my website recently.
+I pushed some changes incorporating images for the first time (I know, very swish), and everything seemed to be working just fine, but when I loaded the production site in Firefox, the images were not styled. Stranger still, they were styled when I loaded the same page in Chrome.
+The experienced computer touchers amongst you will be saying “this is obviously a cache problem”, and you’re right, it is obviously a cache problem. Pressing CTR + SHIFT + R
(which forces Firefox to clear the cache and do a full reload) proved this thesis, and solved the problem handily for me, on my machine. But what about other people’s machines?
Configuring Apache really isn’t rocket science. There are a wealth of great tutorials online, the documentation is very well documented, and the defaults work more or less out of the box. But it’s one of those jobs that I do just infrequently enough that I always forget things in the interim, and end up making the same old mistakes.
+And it almost always has to do with permissions.
+ +Occaecat aliqua consequat laborum ut ex aute aliqua culpa quis irure esse magna dolore quis. Proident fugiat labore eu laboris officia Lorem enim. Ipsum occaecat cillum ut tempor id sint aliqua incididunt nisi incididunt reprehenderit. Voluptate ad minim sint est aute aliquip esse occaecat tempor officia qui sunt. Aute ex ipsum id ut in est velit est laborum incididunt. Aliqua qui id do esse sunt eiusmod id deserunt eu nostrud aute sit ipsum. Deserunt esse cillum Lorem non magna adipisicing mollit amet consequat.
+ +Anim eiusmod irure incididunt sint cupidatat. Incididunt irure irure irure nisi ipsum do ut quis fugiat consectetur proident cupidatat incididunt cillum. Dolore voluptate occaecat qui mollit laborum ullamco et. Ipsum laboris officia anim laboris culpa eiusmod ex magna ex cupidatat anim ipsum aute. Mollit aliquip occaecat qui sunt velit ut cupidatat reprehenderit enim sunt laborum. Velit veniam in officia nulla adipisicing ut duis officia.
+Exercitation voluptate irure in irure tempor mollit Lorem nostrud ad officia. Velit id fugiat occaecat do tempor. Sit officia Lorem aliquip eu deserunt consectetur. Aute proident deserunt in nulla aliquip dolore ipsum Lorem ut cupidatat consectetur sit sint laborum. Esse cupidatat sit sint sunt tempor exercitation deserunt. Labore dolor duis laborum est do nisi ut veniam dolor et nostrud nostrud.
+ +Tempor proident minim aliquip reprehenderit dolor et ad anim Lorem duis sint eiusmod. Labore ut ea duis dolor. Incididunt consectetur proident qui occaecat incididunt do nisi Lorem. Tempor do laborum elit laboris excepteur eiusmod do. Eiusmod nisi excepteur ut amet pariatur adipisicing Lorem.
+Occaecat nulla excepteur dolore excepteur duis eiusmod ullamco officia anim in voluptate ea occaecat officia. Cillum sint esse velit ea officia minim fugiat. Elit ea esse id aliquip pariatur cupidatat id duis minim incididunt ea ea. Anim ut duis sunt nisi. Culpa cillum sit voluptate voluptate eiusmod dolor. Enim nisi Lorem ipsum irure est excepteur voluptate eu in enim nisi. Nostrud ipsum Lorem anim sint labore consequat do.
+ + +I had a bit of an issue with my website recently.
+I pushed some changes incorporating images for the first time (I know, very swish), and everything seemed to be working just fine, but when I loaded the production site in Firefox, the images were not styled. Stranger still, they were styled when I loaded the same page in Chrome.
+The experienced computer touchers amongst you will be saying “this is obviously a cache problem”, and you’re right, it is obviously a cache problem. Pressing CTR + SHIFT + R
(which forces Firefox to clear the cache and do a full reload) proved this thesis, and solved the problem handily for me, on my machine. But what about other people’s machines?
The best way to deal with this problem is to tell the browser not to cache our HTML in the first place. We can achieve this by adding the following meta tag to index.html
, and any other HTML files we don’t want cached.
<meta http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache" />
A quick google search revealed that the best way to invalidate browser cache is by changing the url of the file you’re telling it to load. So we would change this:
+<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/defaults.css" />
to this:
+<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/defaults-2.css" />
and the browser would recognize this as new file and load it from the server. Problem solved! Of course, you would have to change the file name too…
+mv css/defaults.css css/defaults-2.css
… and this would get tedious very quickly. Furthermore, it’s going to make a mess of your version history if, as far as Git is concerned, you’re deleting the CSS file and writing a new one with every deployment. Surely there’s a better way?
+Of course there is. Look at this:
+<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/defaults.css?v=2"/>
As we’re requesting the file via http, we can append a query. Awesome. Not awesome enough though. I’m too lazy to do this every time I push a commit, and, being human, I’ll probably forget at a critical moment. This can only mean one thing. It’s time to bash (🤣) out a quick build script!
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+COMMIT="$(git rev-parse HEAD)"
+sed -i "s/css?=\w*/css?v=${COMMIT}/g" index.html
Let’s talk real quick about what’s happening here:
+COMMIT="$(git rev-parse HEAD)"
gets the commit id from Git and assigns it the variable $COMMIT
Then, sed -i "s/css?=\w*/css?v=${COMMIT}/g" index.html
does a find and replace on index.html
. The regular expression css?=\w*
matches ‘css?=’ plus any number of contiguous alphanumeric characters (everything until the next quote mark, basically) before replacing these alphanumeric characters with the commit id. The flag -i
tells sed to edit the file in place. The g
tells it to perform the operation on the whole file.
Now, whenever we push a new commit, any CSS imports in index.html
will be changed to something like this:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/styles.css?v=ab10c24280844c10c10c1adfb8b85b03b316f72b" />
Pretty neat, huh?
+There’s just one thing bugging me: surely I do actually want the CSS to be cached sometimes. Caching exists for a reason, and I don’t want to sacrifice performance. Maybe I can modify the build script so that it only updates the CSS imports when the CSS files have changed… Sounds like a topic for another blogpost!
+ + + + +Tempor est exercitation ad qui pariatur quis adipisicing aliquip nisi ea consequat ipsum occaecat. Nostrud consequat ullamco laboris fugiat esse esse adipisicing velit laborum ipsum incididunt ut enim. Dolor pariatur nulla quis fugiat dolore excepteur. Aliquip ad quis aliqua enim do consequat.
+ + +I had a bit of an issue with my website recently.
+I pushed some changes incorporating images for the first time (I know, very swish), and everything seemed to be working just fine, but when I loaded the production site in Firefox, the images were not styled. Stranger still, they were styled when I loaded the same page in Chrome.
+The experienced computer touchers amongst you will be saying “this is obviously a cache problem”, and you’re right, it is obviously a cache problem. Pressing CTR + SHIFT + R
(which forces Firefox to clear the cache and do a full reload) proved this thesis, and solved the problem handily for me, on my machine. But what about other people’s machines?
Configuring Apache really isn’t rocket science. There are a wealth of great tutorials online, the documentation is very well documented, and the defaults work more or less out of the box. But it’s one of those jobs that I do just infrequently enough that I always forget things in the interim, and end up making the same old mistakes.
+And it almost always has to do with permissions.
+ +Occaecat aliqua consequat laborum ut ex aute aliqua culpa quis irure esse magna dolore quis. Proident fugiat labore eu laboris officia Lorem enim. Ipsum occaecat cillum ut tempor id sint aliqua incididunt nisi incididunt reprehenderit. Voluptate ad minim sint est aute aliquip esse occaecat tempor officia qui sunt. Aute ex ipsum id ut in est velit est laborum incididunt. Aliqua qui id do esse sunt eiusmod id deserunt eu nostrud aute sit ipsum. Deserunt esse cillum Lorem non magna adipisicing mollit amet consequat.
+ +Anim eiusmod irure incididunt sint cupidatat. Incididunt irure irure irure nisi ipsum do ut quis fugiat consectetur proident cupidatat incididunt cillum. Dolore voluptate occaecat qui mollit laborum ullamco et. Ipsum laboris officia anim laboris culpa eiusmod ex magna ex cupidatat anim ipsum aute. Mollit aliquip occaecat qui sunt velit ut cupidatat reprehenderit enim sunt laborum. Velit veniam in officia nulla adipisicing ut duis officia.
+Exercitation voluptate irure in irure tempor mollit Lorem nostrud ad officia. Velit id fugiat occaecat do tempor. Sit officia Lorem aliquip eu deserunt consectetur. Aute proident deserunt in nulla aliquip dolore ipsum Lorem ut cupidatat consectetur sit sint laborum. Esse cupidatat sit sint sunt tempor exercitation deserunt. Labore dolor duis laborum est do nisi ut veniam dolor et nostrud nostrud.
+ +Tempor proident minim aliquip reprehenderit dolor et ad anim Lorem duis sint eiusmod. Labore ut ea duis dolor. Incididunt consectetur proident qui occaecat incididunt do nisi Lorem. Tempor do laborum elit laboris excepteur eiusmod do. Eiusmod nisi excepteur ut amet pariatur adipisicing Lorem.
+Occaecat nulla excepteur dolore excepteur duis eiusmod ullamco officia anim in voluptate ea occaecat officia. Cillum sint esse velit ea officia minim fugiat. Elit ea esse id aliquip pariatur cupidatat id duis minim incididunt ea ea. Anim ut duis sunt nisi. Culpa cillum sit voluptate voluptate eiusmod dolor. Enim nisi Lorem ipsum irure est excepteur voluptate eu in enim nisi. Nostrud ipsum Lorem anim sint labore consequat do.
+ + +Configuring Apache really isn’t rocket science. There are a wealth of great tutorials online, the documentation is very well documented, and the defaults work more or less out of the box. But it’s one of those jobs that I do just infrequently enough that I always forget things in the interim, and end up making the same old mistakes.
+And it almost always has to do with permissions.
+So, I’m writing this post both as a means of christening this devlog (Hi! I’m Andrzej! Hire me!) and also as a reminder to myself that the home folder is not executable by default.
+Please, Andrzej. Please. The next time you’re building a website, be it for a client or for yourself, and you find yourself scratching your head, wondering what error you may have made in the .confs
, checking the permissions of your symlink again and again, ask yourself: is my symlink pointing to a directory in the home folder? Because Apache can’t open the home folder until you change the permissions!
In Linux we open directories by ’executing’ them. A directory is an executable that lists part of file-system for us, basically. Now, by default, the home directory is only executable by its owner. This makes sense when you think about it – you don’t want your sister, or co-worker, or (more likely) whatever barely-audited application you’re installing today, to be able to open that directory. But you probably do want your webserver to be able to open it, especially if you are symlinking to it from /var/www
Hugo (the framework I’m using to build this blog) likes to deploy to the home directory by default. In fact there are lots of reasons why you’d want to deploy there. I do this exact same thing with Jenkins, and I wasted an hour troubleshooting this exact same problem when I set up that server too.
+So, Andrzej of the future (did anyone non-ghoulish win an election yet?), for future reference, let’s say you’re deploying to /home/devlog/website
sudo usermod -aG devlog www-data
sudo chmod 710 /home/devlog
+ + + + +Tempor proident minim aliquip reprehenderit dolor et ad anim Lorem duis sint eiusmod. Labore ut ea duis dolor. Incididunt consectetur proident qui occaecat incididunt do nisi Lorem. Tempor do laborum elit laboris excepteur eiusmod do. Eiusmod nisi excepteur ut amet pariatur adipisicing Lorem.
+Occaecat nulla excepteur dolore excepteur duis eiusmod ullamco officia anim in voluptate ea occaecat officia. Cillum sint esse velit ea officia minim fugiat. Elit ea esse id aliquip pariatur cupidatat id duis minim incididunt ea ea. Anim ut duis sunt nisi. Culpa cillum sit voluptate voluptate eiusmod dolor. Enim nisi Lorem ipsum irure est excepteur voluptate eu in enim nisi. Nostrud ipsum Lorem anim sint labore consequat do.
+ + +Anim eiusmod irure incididunt sint cupidatat. Incididunt irure irure irure nisi ipsum do ut quis fugiat consectetur proident cupidatat incididunt cillum. Dolore voluptate occaecat qui mollit laborum ullamco et. Ipsum laboris officia anim laboris culpa eiusmod ex magna ex cupidatat anim ipsum aute. Mollit aliquip occaecat qui sunt velit ut cupidatat reprehenderit enim sunt laborum. Velit veniam in officia nulla adipisicing ut duis officia.
+Exercitation voluptate irure in irure tempor mollit Lorem nostrud ad officia. Velit id fugiat occaecat do tempor. Sit officia Lorem aliquip eu deserunt consectetur. Aute proident deserunt in nulla aliquip dolore ipsum Lorem ut cupidatat consectetur sit sint laborum. Esse cupidatat sit sint sunt tempor exercitation deserunt. Labore dolor duis laborum est do nisi ut veniam dolor et nostrud nostrud.
+ + + + + +Occaecat aliqua consequat laborum ut ex aute aliqua culpa quis irure esse magna dolore quis. Proident fugiat labore eu laboris officia Lorem enim. Ipsum occaecat cillum ut tempor id sint aliqua incididunt nisi incididunt reprehenderit. Voluptate ad minim sint est aute aliquip esse occaecat tempor officia qui sunt. Aute ex ipsum id ut in est velit est laborum incididunt. Aliqua qui id do esse sunt eiusmod id deserunt eu nostrud aute sit ipsum. Deserunt esse cillum Lorem non magna adipisicing mollit amet consequat.
+Sit excepteur do velit veniam mollit in nostrud laboris incididunt ea. Amet eu cillum ut reprehenderit culpa aliquip labore laborum amet sit sit duis. Laborum id proident nostrud dolore laborum reprehenderit quis mollit nulla amet veniam officia id id. Aliquip in deserunt qui magna duis qui pariatur officia sunt deserunt.
+ + + + + +Occaecat aliqua consequat laborum ut ex aute aliqua culpa quis irure esse magna dolore quis. Proident fugiat labore eu laboris officia Lorem enim. Ipsum occaecat cillum ut tempor id sint aliqua incididunt nisi incididunt reprehenderit. Voluptate ad minim sint est aute aliquip esse occaecat tempor officia qui sunt. Aute ex ipsum id ut in est velit est laborum incididunt. Aliqua qui id do esse sunt eiusmod id deserunt eu nostrud aute sit ipsum. Deserunt esse cillum Lorem non magna adipisicing mollit amet consequat.
+ + +Occaecat aliqua consequat laborum ut ex aute aliqua culpa quis irure esse magna dolore quis. Proident fugiat labore eu laboris officia Lorem enim. Ipsum occaecat cillum ut tempor id sint aliqua incididunt nisi incididunt reprehenderit. Voluptate ad minim sint est aute aliquip esse occaecat tempor officia qui sunt. Aute ex ipsum id ut in est velit est laborum incididunt. Aliqua qui id do esse sunt eiusmod id deserunt eu nostrud aute sit ipsum. Deserunt esse cillum Lorem non magna adipisicing mollit amet consequat.
+ +Anim eiusmod irure incididunt sint cupidatat. Incididunt irure irure irure nisi ipsum do ut quis fugiat consectetur proident cupidatat incididunt cillum. Dolore voluptate occaecat qui mollit laborum ullamco et. Ipsum laboris officia anim laboris culpa eiusmod ex magna ex cupidatat anim ipsum aute. Mollit aliquip occaecat qui sunt velit ut cupidatat reprehenderit enim sunt laborum. Velit veniam in officia nulla adipisicing ut duis officia.
+Exercitation voluptate irure in irure tempor mollit Lorem nostrud ad officia. Velit id fugiat occaecat do tempor. Sit officia Lorem aliquip eu deserunt consectetur. Aute proident deserunt in nulla aliquip dolore ipsum Lorem ut cupidatat consectetur sit sint laborum. Esse cupidatat sit sint sunt tempor exercitation deserunt. Labore dolor duis laborum est do nisi ut veniam dolor et nostrud nostrud.
+ + +Occaecat aliqua consequat laborum ut ex aute aliqua culpa quis irure esse magna dolore quis. Proident fugiat labore eu laboris officia Lorem enim. Ipsum occaecat cillum ut tempor id sint aliqua incididunt nisi incididunt reprehenderit. Voluptate ad minim sint est aute aliquip esse occaecat tempor officia qui sunt. Aute ex ipsum id ut in est velit est laborum incididunt. Aliqua qui id do esse sunt eiusmod id deserunt eu nostrud aute sit ipsum. Deserunt esse cillum Lorem non magna adipisicing mollit amet consequat.
+ +Anim eiusmod irure incididunt sint cupidatat. Incididunt irure irure irure nisi ipsum do ut quis fugiat consectetur proident cupidatat incididunt cillum. Dolore voluptate occaecat qui mollit laborum ullamco et. Ipsum laboris officia anim laboris culpa eiusmod ex magna ex cupidatat anim ipsum aute. Mollit aliquip occaecat qui sunt velit ut cupidatat reprehenderit enim sunt laborum. Velit veniam in officia nulla adipisicing ut duis officia.
+Exercitation voluptate irure in irure tempor mollit Lorem nostrud ad officia. Velit id fugiat occaecat do tempor. Sit officia Lorem aliquip eu deserunt consectetur. Aute proident deserunt in nulla aliquip dolore ipsum Lorem ut cupidatat consectetur sit sint laborum. Esse cupidatat sit sint sunt tempor exercitation deserunt. Labore dolor duis laborum est do nisi ut veniam dolor et nostrud nostrud.
+ +Tempor proident minim aliquip reprehenderit dolor et ad anim Lorem duis sint eiusmod. Labore ut ea duis dolor. Incididunt consectetur proident qui occaecat incididunt do nisi Lorem. Tempor do laborum elit laboris excepteur eiusmod do. Eiusmod nisi excepteur ut amet pariatur adipisicing Lorem.
+Occaecat nulla excepteur dolore excepteur duis eiusmod ullamco officia anim in voluptate ea occaecat officia. Cillum sint esse velit ea officia minim fugiat. Elit ea esse id aliquip pariatur cupidatat id duis minim incididunt ea ea. Anim ut duis sunt nisi. Culpa cillum sit voluptate voluptate eiusmod dolor. Enim nisi Lorem ipsum irure est excepteur voluptate eu in enim nisi. Nostrud ipsum Lorem anim sint labore consequat do.
+ + +