@@ -40,10 +40,10 @@
Tempor est exercitation ad qui pariatur quis adipisicing aliquip nisi ea consequat ipsum occaecat. Nostrud consequat ullamco laboris fugiat esse esse adipisicing velit laborum ipsum incididunt ut enim. Dolor pariatur nulla quis fugiat dolore excepteur. Aliquip ad quis aliqua enim do consequat.
I had a bit of an issue with my website recently.
I pushed some changes incorporating images for the first time (I know, very swish), and everything seemed to be working just fine, but when I loaded the production site in Firefox, the images were not styled. Stranger still, they were styled when I loaded the same page in Chrome.
-The experienced computer touchers amongst you will be saying “this is obviously a cache problem”, and you’re right, it is obviously a cache problem. Pressing CTR + SHIFT + R
(which forces Firefox to clear the cache and do a full reload) proved this thesis, and solved the problem handily for me, on my machine. But what about other people’s machines?
+The experienced computer touchers amongst you will be saying “this is obviously a cache problem”, and you’re right, it is obviously a cache problem. Pressing CTR + SHIFT + R
(which forces Firefox to clear the cache and do a full reload) proved this thesis, and solved the problem handily for me, on my machine. But what about other people’s machines? I need to cache-bust.
Configuring Apache really isn’t rocket science. There are a wealth of great tutorials online, the documentation is very well documented, and the defaults work more or less out of the box. But it’s one of those jobs that I do just infrequently enough that I always forget things in the interim, and end up making the same old mistakes.
diff --git a/public/posts/index.xml b/public/posts/index.xml
index 8b751cf..4d1d70d 100644
--- a/public/posts/index.xml
+++ b/public/posts/index.xml
@@ -9,11 +9,11 @@
Wed, 13 Nov 2024 14:24:21 +0100
- Hard Problem: Invalidating the browser cache
+ Hard Problem? Invalidating the browser cache
Wed, 13 Nov 2024 14:24:21 +0100
- <p><strong>I had a bit of an issue with my <a href="https://demos.ajstepien.xyz">website</a> recently.</strong></p>
<p>I pushed some changes incorporating images for the first time (I know, very swish), and everything seemed to be working just fine, but when I loaded the production site in Firefox, the images were not styled. Stranger still, they <em>were</em> styled when I loaded the same page in Chrome.</p>
<p>The experienced computer touchers amongst you will be saying “this is obviously a cache problem”, and you’re right, it is obviously a cache problem. Pressing <code>CTR + SHIFT + R</code> (which forces Firefox to clear the cache and do a full reload) proved this thesis, and solved the problem handily for me, on my machine. But what about other people’s machines?</p>
+ <p><strong>I had a bit of an issue with my <a href="https://demos.ajstepien.xyz">website</a> recently.</strong></p>
<p>I pushed some changes incorporating images for the first time (I know, very swish), and everything seemed to be working just fine, but when I loaded the production site in Firefox, the images were not styled. Stranger still, they <em>were</em> styled when I loaded the same page in Chrome.</p>
<p>The experienced computer touchers amongst you will be saying “this is obviously a cache problem”, and you’re right, it is obviously a cache problem. Pressing <code>CTR + SHIFT + R</code> (which forces Firefox to clear the cache and do a full reload) proved this thesis, and solved the problem handily for me, on my machine. But what about other people’s machines? I need to cache-bust.</p>
Permissions Strike Again
diff --git a/public/posts/permissions-strike-again/index.html b/public/posts/permissions-strike-again/index.html
index 2ba80f1..93994b6 100644
--- a/public/posts/permissions-strike-again/index.html
+++ b/public/posts/permissions-strike-again/index.html
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@