return { -- Collection of various small independent plugins/modules "echasnovski/mini.nvim", config = function() -- Better Around/Inside textobjects -- -- Examples: -- - va) - [V]isually select [A]round [)]paren -- - yinq - [Y]ank [I]nside [N]ext [']quote -- - ci' - [C]hange [I]nside [']quote require("").setup({ n_lines = 500 }) -- Add/delete/replace surroundings (brackets, quotes, etc.) -- -- - saiw) - [S]urround [A]dd [I]nner [W]ord [)]Paren -- - sd' - [S]urround [D]elete [']quotes -- - sr)' - [S]urround [R]eplace [)] ['] require("mini.surround").setup() -- ... and there is more! -- Check out: require("mini.files").setup( -- No need to copy this inside `setup()`. Will be used automatically. { -- Customization of shown content content = { -- Predicate for which file system entries to show filter = nil, -- What prefix to show to the left of file system entry prefix = nil, -- In which order to show file system entries sort = nil, }, -- Module mappings created only inside explorer. -- Use `''` (empty string) to not create one. mappings = { close = "q", go_in = "l", go_in_plus = "L", go_out = "h", go_out_plus = "H", reset = "", reveal_cwd = "@", show_help = "g?", synchronize = "=", trim_left = "<", trim_right = ">", }, -- General options options = { -- Whether to delete permanently or move into module-specific trash permanent_delete = false, -- Whether to use for editing directories use_as_default_explorer = true, }, -- Customization of explorer windows windows = { -- Maximum number of windows to show side by side max_number = math.huge, -- Whether to show preview of file/directory under cursor preview = true, -- Width of focused window width_focus = 50, -- Width of non-focused window width_nofocus = 15, -- Width of preview window width_preview = 25, }, } ) require("mini.move").setup() end, }