import Entity from "./Entity.mjs"; import dataValidation from "./dataValidation.mjs"; //THIS CLASS WILL HANDLE JUNCTION TABLE STUFF export default class Title extends Entity{ #genres set _title(prop){ if(prop){ if(!dataValidation.isString(prop)){throw new TypeError("title must be a string")} this.title=prop } } set _genres(prop){ if(prop){ if(!dataValidation.isObject(prop)){throw new TypeError(`genres must be an object; this is a ${typeof prop}`)} this.#genres=prop } } set _deleted(prop){ if(prop){ if(prop===1 || prop===0){ this.deleted=prop } } } get genres(){ return this.#genres } constructor(data){ super(data) this._title = data?.title this._genres = data?.genres this._deleted = data?.deleted } async updateGenres(db,genres){ const table = this.table+'_genres' const relevantEntries = await db(table) .select('*') .where(this.idName, //DELETE FALSES const truesWithEntry= [] for (const entry of relevantEntries) { const genreName = genres[entry.genre_id] if(this.#genres[genreName]===false){ await db(table) .where('id', .del() continue } truesWithEntry.push(entry.genre_id) } //INSERT TRUES for (const genre in this.#genres){ if(truesWithEntry.includes(genre)){continue} await db(table) .insert({ [this.idName], genre_id://GET GENRE ID???!!! }) } } }